"Erweiterte Realität; Bill Fontana Audiopioneer, Komponist, Künstler" Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 3/2019, p.28

Bunker in den Dolomiten:
Ihre Reaktivierung als Partitur
June 2015
This project works as a partiture for conflict archeologists. Its aim is to be a map for the walkers of the mountain (Kreuzbergpass- Passo Monte Croce di Comelico) and to present the mind process that leads to the reactivation of the bunker Opera 10 of the Kreuzbergpass (II World War). Reactivation means not a military approach(armed) but it is the connection between the mountain and the bunker. architecture today.
Roberta Busechian’s Berlin Master dissertation (Udk Berlin, Master Art in Context) revolves around another fascinating subject, the theme of (military) “Bunkers in the Dolomites” as a sort of particular musical “score”, a “wandering in the snowy Dolomites” on the lookout for the many abandoned bunkers, now with their own character and maybe also their own future in a sort of specialised tourism. All of this without the simplest presence of music, but merely executed through one’s own laborious body movements, in particular one’s walk, including a deep inquiry on the “archeology of catastrophes”. In particular, the presence of a series of bunkers built among within the mountains during both world wars. This research also shows, surprisingly, in how many different disciplinary directions – while maintaining charm and coherence -, intertwined with each other, this young researcher is able to move.
(Prof. Agnes Kohlmeyer, IUAV University Venice)
Sound art project and publication

"The Choice is Yours"; Advanced Course of Visual Art, Mousse Publishing, November 2012
“We don’t possess freedom, we don’t have it, it’s not a concept nor an idea; it is not possible to experience freedom: freedom itself is an experience.” Liliana Moro Published for the XVIII edition of the Advanced Course in Visual Arts of Fondazione Antonio Ratti, and based on three weeks spent in Como in July 2012, the book “The Choice Is Yours” revolves around the question of freedom of thought and expression in the arts in relation to public space. “Are we really free?” Each of the participating artists has tried to provide an answer to this question in their contributions to this publication. The book contains contributions by the Visiting Professor for the Course in 2012, Liliana Moro, the President of the Foundation, Annie Ratti, the curator of the Course Andrea Lissoni, the coordinator of the Course Angela Maderna, the artist Eva Marisaldi, the experimental composer Arto Lindsay, the political philosopher Toni Negri, and all the participating artists.
articles by Roberta Busechian:
- Emanuele Arielli, Roberta Busechian, Sperimentazioni estetiche: sound art e concezioni dell’ascolto sonoro,
“The Auditory Object,” edited by Elvira Di Bona, Vincenzo Santarcangelo, in Rivista di Estetica, vol.66, (2017),
The goal of this article is to show that the recent tradition of the so-called “sound art” plays an important role in making explicit through artistic practice different accounts of the ontology of the sound and the phenomenology of sound listening. The philosophical reflection on the nature of sound is rich in alternatives and contrasting theoretical positions about what is a sound, its quality, whether it is an object or an event, his relationship with the listener, its aesthetic function and so on. According to the authors, different models represent different ways of focusing on the same phenomenon. These models are related to the aesthetics of sound art, which developed also as a practical exploration around the nature of sound and its relationship with the listener. Sound artists manipulates the sensory experience of sound, bringing out its hidden aspects and restructuring the way we perceive it, and how sound directs and focuses the attention of the spectator. In this sense, we could see sound art as a form of artistic “laboratory” that runs parallel to the classic philosophical debate on the nature of sound.
- "Martina Raponi and Roberta Busechian in conversation with Lawrence Abu Hamdan", DIGICULT-Scientific
Journal on Digital Cultures
-"The riddler of sounds", interview with Francisco López, DIGICULT-Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures
-"Evan Parker e Walter Prati; Electroacustic Ensemble al progetto primavera 2016 (it), DIGICULT-Scientific
Journal on Digital Cultures