Roberta Busechian - BIO

Roberta Busechian (1990), Roberta Busechian is a sound artist, curator, researcher, lecturer of sound art theory, practice and sonic activism. She is a guest lecturer at IUAV University of Venice, was a lecturer at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Master Sound Art for creative industries) at electronic music academy recreative12. She teaches sound art in art schools in Berlin since 2014 and has attended international conferences presenting her research through talks and presentations (i.e “CENSE Annual Sonic Ecology Conference" (Usti nad Labem - CZ), ICST - Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, Zurich). Her main interests include the effects of listening in creating common aggregation points in the physical space, and especially the technological possibility of virtually connected urban spaces through live stream and time shift. In one of her scientific publications, she discovered the potential of sound and listening aesthetics to develop collectivity projects in a
huge amount of humanistic disciplines (Emanuele Arielli, Roberta Busechian: Aesthetical experimentation: sound art and acoustic listening, “The Auditory Object,” edited by Elvira Di Bona, Vincenzo Santarcangelo, Rivista di Estetica n.66, 2017). Roberta's subsequent research into the live stream of sound installation examined the work of Bill Fontana (R. Busechian, “Erweiterte Realität: Bill Fontana Audiopioneer, Komponist, Künstler” Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 3/2019, p.28) to focus on the space-listener-time triangle in relation to the hidden sonic inputs of the environment.Some of her projects includes the visual arts, art in public space, performaces and sound installations. She presented her works in many exhibitions and performances around Europe: Venice, Milano, Verona, Vicenza, Trieste, Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Berlin (DE), Salzburg (AU), Siegen (DE), Graz (au), Weimar (DE), San Diego (CA), Los Angeles (CA), Long Beach (CA), Tijuana (Mexico). Her sound performances where presented at international festivals like Hoergerede-Elevate Festival in Graz (2014) and Transmediale Vorspiel in Berlin (2015). In 2013 in Berlin she was assistent in music therapy for patients at retirement homes.Roberta is the founder of spazio (T) Raum, a plattform dedicated to sound artists based in Berlin and Italy. She is a member of ERRANT SOUND in Berlin since 2019.